Long delays in painting production endured in the wake of ever-changing eyesight difficulties, and my having to adjust and learn to see true color and value once again. But I think I finally have it nailed and the photos will be released for patrons this coming week and I will get cracking on those paintings with fervor. The retraining. It's been much too long, but I am obsessive in my need to get it right and produce the best that I can.
I know that I came home a different person from the one who left. When you bound far beyond your comfort zone and engage in something completely different and far from all that is familiar, such is inevitable. As I capture the social media posts in the wake of the adventure, this collection of observations still rings loud and clear. Here is my basic list, my heartfelt advice, to anyone traveling far from home to explore unfamiliar horizons.

Allow yourself to absorb all that is around you. Don't feel like you'll be wasting precious time if you stay in one place for several days. Trust me, you'll learn more and experience more by doing so, and gain a deeper insight to a particular place than the "went there, bought the t-shirt" crowd will ever see.
~Be flexible.
Allow yourself to be spontaneous and impulsive. Be ready to change directions quickly when an unexpected opportunity arises. Chances are, you'll be oh so glad you said "Sure, why not!"

~Reach out.
Introduce yourself to folks. Be curious. Ask questions. Come to know the people as well as their unique insights into their hometowns. Listen. Learn new things. Your experiences will be so much richer for it!
Take a chance. Put yourself out there. Instead of touring in the conventional ways, try ways that most people don't. Go by public transport, get out of the tourist hub and visit a pub where only locals go, and talk with the locals who are willing to do so. Try hiking, try camping. Don't just look for the "postcard shots" that everyone else with a camera is after, look for something that is unique and every bit as special, and by all means, get away from the heavily used tourist routes! Seek out the smaller town, the quiet side of the loch, ride a bus where everybody else on board knows one another by first name, family, and local gossip. You'll come home with perspectives that most travelers never encounter.
Just a few observations. Don't limit yourself to package tours. Do your research, compile a list of not only what sights you'd like to visit but also what cultural experiences you'd like to encounter along the way. Try to do these things in your travels, and you will come away with memories far richer than those of average tourists. Do remember, the most magnificent scenery often lies just a half-mile off the road - so don't be afraid to Get Off The Beaten Path.